
The practice of yoga from a Christian perspective.

For years my mother suggested I try yoga to help reduce stress. Yoga seemed boring to me, but decided to give it a try after I experienced a very stressful event and well, I have not stopped since then.

About Me

I was lucky find a very knowledgable teacher early on, I enjoyed the physical and mental benefits of yoga. I also learned, yoga was an integral part of Hindu and Buddhist teachings of self-realization.The mind is everything. What you think you become. ~The Buddha. I shared this philosophy with my pastor and He helped me understand self-reliance meant facing failures on your own, while in Christianity we can go to God to find comfort and grace. After months of considering what my pastor told me, I decided to continue my practice of yoga and enjoy my spirituality when I meditate about the Bible teachings on my own home or at church. I hope you find this information helpful, feel free to contact me for more recommendations









Yoga’s goals are to bring inner peace and self-realization. Christianity’s goals are that and more, we enjoy the gift of grace ...

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body ~ (1 Cor. 6:19-20).

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.

Love your neighbor as yourself.


It could make your belief system more open, or it could bring focus to your spiritual life. It depends on the individual. Then it's a matter of finding the right place. There are so many choices even within your own faith. For me, a big part was finding the right church and finding the right priest, somebody that could speak to me in a language I could understand within the context of my faith.~ Christy Turlington
  • Yoga reveals to you things that you believe but didn't realize you believed or forgot you believed. It reaffirms and solidifies your belief system.

  • Yoga reveals to you things that you believe but didn't realize you believed or forgot you believed. It reaffirms and solidifies your belief system.


Yoga Resources To Get You Started

Great Yoga videos!

High Quility videos, easy to follow.


Quality Yoga Clothing

Expensive but very durable yoga clothing.


Yoga Mats

Very durable yoga mats.



Comments and suggestions are welcomed ....

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